Healthy Eating


We ask that children bring in a named water bottle for drinking throughout the day. These are kept in classroom so they are readily available. Should a water bottle be forgotten we can provide a paper cup for use throughout the school day. 

School Lunches 

We are an Eco School and Healthy Eating School and ask that you encourage the children in this respect by providing packed lunches which support these values.

JCG Lunches 

Lunches are available to purchase from JCG as follows: 

  • Hot lunches are available to pupils in Year 3 and above who go across to the senior school Dome canteen for lunch. 
  • Packed lunches are available to all pupils and are freshly prepared by hand by the Dome canteen staff and delivered to JCP. 

You can order and find out more via this link 

No Nuts in School 

We do not allow nuts in school as we have a number of children with severe nut allergies. Please ensure that your child does not bring any nut products into school. This includes items which may have nuts in the ingredients i.e. pesto, cereal bars, items containing sesame seeds, chocolate/nut spread and peanut butter etc.