• Parent
  • Pick up/Drop off System

Pick Up/Drop Off System

Admin Car Park, Claremont Road

Families using the Drop Off Pick Up system will be asked to drive up Claremont Road and turn into the Admin Claremont Road car park entrance (gate with barrier). Parents should then leave via the ramp - turning right onto Claremont Road to keep traffic flowing. Please see map below.

By registering and using this system you agree to the follow this procedure in a safe and permitted manner.

Please Note

  • Drop off will be supported by school staff until 8.40am. 
  • The barrier will not be raised into the car park until 2.45pm each afternoon. If you arrive early, please drive around the block and do not wait at the closed barrier as this prohibits staff returning to the site and causes a jam in the road.
  • Drop off and pick up times are subject to availability. 
  • If children are late being collected, they will be moved to the School Office and parents will need to park at the main College car park and collect children from the office
  • These procedures may be modified as needed in our ongoing efforts to ensure the safety of our children.
  • The system is dependent on the good will of local residents and the Parish. Blocking up the road by arriving too early or not being respectful road users will jeopardise the continuation of the system.
  • Staff will treat any adult using the drop off with kindness and respect. It is expected that this will be reciprocated. 

To ensure the continued success of this system, we ask that you understand and agree to the following: 

  • I will drive to the designated point at the front of the queue where a member of the JCP team will be waiting to ensure that my child/ren get into school or the car safely. 
  • My child/ren should only exit/enter the car once the car is at the front of the queue and it is stationary. 
  • Any adult collecting my child/ren will remain in the car for both drop off and pick up.
  • My child/ren should have all bags/instruments/lunches ready with them before the car stops (drop off). Please do not store these in the boot of the car.
  • My child/ren must be able to exit/enter the car without assistance and be able to un/fasten their seatbelt themselves. If this is not possible, I will need to use the main College car park and escort my child over to school, until the time my child is able to do all of the above independently. At that point I will submit a new request if I wish to use the Drop Off Pick Up system again.
  • In order for this to work well there must be a steady and continuous flow of vehicles around the system. I will ensure that I keep to my allocated times and understand that there is no possibility to park in a space.
  • To make the process as efficient as possible I understand that I will not have the opportunity to talk to staff about any issues concerning their children at these times. If I do need to have this discussion, I will make alternative arrangements to do so.
  • I need to inform the school office as early as possible if I am not using the system any more or need to request a change.
  • I will share these expectations with any adult dropping off or collecting my child/ren.

Thank you for your understanding and help in ensuring a safe and continued drop off and pick up system to support all of our families who make use of this service.