Year 6 Production


Year 6 Production – and what a production it was! The cast performed three matinees to a variety of ‘in house’ (& VCP) audiences and did a first ever ‘live-stream’ on Thursday evening to parents and relatives at home. Once we had got over the false start, caused by the all the computers in the school deciding to do an automatic upgrade right at 7:00pm, the children sang, danced and acted brilliantly to their remote audience. Although this could never fully replace being at a live performance, it did at least allow for relatives from further afield to be able to see the live performances. Of course, none of this would have been possible without the huge amount of hard work the girls put in and the amazing amount of support of the various teachers and support staff who pulled all the strings – a special mention to Mrs Pateman, who rehearsed and directed the production to her usual outstanding level – with a broken foot!