Head Teacher's Update
Dear Parents
It has been a very difficult week this week. With the terrible news we received on Monday morning, our hearts have been torn and our thoughts remain with the family as well as students and teachers at JCG. Although not directly linked with JCP, I am aware that many members of our school community will have known Kezia through events and associations wider afield. There was a meeting held at short notice at JCG last night with an address by Steve Wharmby, Primary Mental health Worker.
We are aware that there were a number of parents who couldn’t make the meeting at such short notice, and you should have received an email from Ms Guglieri inviting you to a presentation this coming Monday evening here at JCP of the slides that were shown and an opportunity to discuss any concerns you may have regarding the possible wider ramifications of what happened. Please email, as requested, if you would like to attend this meeting.
A huge well done to all those from our JCP community who helped out with the Polish – Jersey Help for Ukraine Appeal. A special mention to the weekend helpers at the depot itself which included Mrs Thorogood, Mrs McCreesh, Mrs Crute and Freya, Evelyn and Alice from Year 6 who all gave up much of their weekend to help with the mammoth task of sorting and preparing
With kind regards
Richard Sugden
Head Teacher