CYPES School Policy Updates
Dear Parents
I am pleased to say that we are all back up and running again after the recent holiday break with the children as enthusiastic as ever to press on ahead with their learning. Obviously, we are currently operating in a rapidly changing landscape, however, we are receiving regular updates from CYPES regarding any changes to policy and are amending our organisation accordingly.
In an email just this morning we were given the following clarifications:
• Interschool activities Outdoor activities, for example sporting fixtures can proceed with suitable mitigations / control measures in place. Indoor interschool activities are not to be held until further notice. To note, this does not impact on teaching across schools, for example the delivery of 6th Form subjects.
• Visitors in school (including Department Staff) Visitors should be kept to a minimum as per the current guidance. Department staff will continue to work in schools to support school leaders, staff and pupils as required. Headteachers and Department staff should consider moving meetings virtually if possible.
• Assemblies Mixed year group assemblies will not be permissible until further notice, although this will be reviewed regularly.
• Trips on island The decision whether to undertake on-island trips and visits are at the discretion of the Headteacher.
• Parent/teacher meetings/evenings Parents’ evening should be undertaken virtually until further notice.
Notwithstanding the limitations as outlined above, we are still able to run school days much as before.
With kind regards
Richard Sugden
Head Teacher