PTA News

After several years of dedicated service to the PTA, Sarah Turnbull has now resigned as Chair of the PTA. We are all so grateful to her for the energy and commitment she brought to the role over a number of years at JCP.

As her successor, I wanted to introduce myself prior to the inevitable pleas for help! My name is Amy Hall, though I work using my maiden name of Benest. Our eldest is in Year 1.

I’m really looking forward to working with everyone to keep the PTA in such good health so that we can continue to help support the teachers and children of this wonderful school. 

The PTA has an email address so please do contact the committee via that or via your class representatives. 

At the recent meeting we also said a fond farewell to Tanya Le Gresley who has also given many years of unstinting support – in particular with the secondhand uniform shop. Mrs Vix Millar has kindly offered to run the second-hand uniform shop and we will be in contact with you soon regarding opening times for the rest of this term. 

Our sincere thanks to both Sarah and Tanya for their dedication to supporting the JCP community. At the meeting we presented to them both with flowers and an Ian Rolls print of the school.