Eco News

This year, ‘Fairtrade Fortnight!’ begins on the first Monday of the half term week, so if you are creative and like to be busy, then why not enter our Fairtrade Logo Recycled Materials Competition! (Details emailed separately – earlier this week!) 

Winners will receive a Fairtrade chocolate prize – kindly donated by the Coop and entries may be entered into the Eco Art section of the Jersey Eisteddfod! 

Our Eco Team have been busy recording their views about Fairtrade issues for BBC Radio Jersey’s Breakfast Show with Ashlea Tracey. Please listen out on the way to school around 7:20am each morning - during the first week back at school – after half term. 

Finally, we would like to invite all members of our school community to ‘Dress Down’ on Friday 4th March – and come to school dressed in the colours of the Faitrade logo – black, blue and green. We will not be asking for a monetary donation on this occasion, but on this day, we would like our pupils to make a special effort to make the contents of their lunchboxes as ‘Fairtrade Friendly’ as possible! Our lunchtime assistants will be giving out Fairtrade stickers to every class across the school. Please look out for the many Fairtrade products available to buy in Jersey and continue to show your support for farmers worldwide! 

Thank you! 

Mrs Christopher and The Eco Team